Advolly Richmond FLS
Plant, Garden and Social Historian
Advolly Richmond is an independent researcher in the history of plants,gardens and their importance in society.   Based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, she has an MA in Garden History from the University of Bristol, is qualified to RHS Level 3 in Practical Horticulture, and is a Fellow of the Linnean Society
She advocates that plant and garden history is for everyone, it helps us to understand the value of historic designed landscapes, parks, cemeteries and many other green spaces, because only when you understand the value of something can you protect it for future generations.
Advolly lectures on a variety of garden history subjects from the 16th through to the 20th century.   She teaches the Social and Cultural History of Italian Renaissance Gardens at the Oxford Department for Continuing Education.
Advolly is a Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Champion and a member of the Garden Media Guild as well as being the Patron of Silent Space
Advolly's ongoing project, "The Garden History Podcast" an A to Z, is now available to listen to on the Podcast page and from Itunes and Spotify, as well as other leading podcast providers.
She is also currently researching the life and legacy of the Rev. Thomas Birch Freeman (1809-1890), an Anglo-African Victorian missionary, botanist and plant collector.
She presents garden history led features for BBC Gardeners World as well as audio features on plant history for BBC Gardeners Question Time. These can be viewed and listened to on the Media page
Advolly is now a monthly contributor on Scribehound gardening.
"Scribehound is a space where the most important conversations about gardens, plants, places and people can take place, conversations driven by 30 regular passionate writers without the influence of editors, advertisers or proprietors."
"Get your daily dose of gardening with an original column from the best writers delivered to you every day. You can read it on any device or, if you prefer, you can opt to have the writer read it out to you as you commute to work, walk the dog or get stuck into the weeding."
You can support me by subscribing to Scribehound Gardening by clicking the image below where you can hear my monthly articles along with those of my fellow scribehounders
Advolly's book:   "A Short History of Flowers; The stories that make our gardens"   is now available from all good booksellers!
"In A Short History of Flowers, Advolly unravels the surprising histories of 60 flowers that shape our gardens. Have you ever wondered where your favourite garden flowers came from? Where there names derived? Or why some cultivars go in and out of favour?"  
Featuring beautiful illustrations from Royal Horticultural Society Gold Medal Award winner Sarah Jane Humphrey
"A Short History of Flowers by Advolly Richmond is positively one of the loveliest books I’ve had the pleasure of reading and experiencing. So many of the plants (and their flowers, of course) that have enchanted humankind for centuries are lovingly presented here, from the perspective of history, by a remarkable scholar and writer, and an equally remarkable painter and illustrator.
Review By John G. Stamos - The Renaissance Garden Guy